ASTP – Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals

The initiative of a multinational group of professionals to meet and share experiences on a regular basis resulted in the establishment of the non-profit Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals. ASTP is practitioners and members focused and is growing rapidly; our association consists of more than 600 members, covering 41 countries. The majority of our members are technology transfer professionals at public knowledge institutions. Our mission is to professionalize and promote technology and knowledge transfer between the European science base and industry.

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Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP)

The Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals (ATTP) is the international body for professionals engaged in technology transfer (TT).

The transfer of discoveries and knowledge from academic research into the marketplace is recognized globally as paramount to building and sustaining a robust and innovative world economy. The professionals who work across continents to facilitate this transfer are as diverse as the cultures they represent. They must, however, have a common core skill set to manage the complex set of challenges that technology transfer presents.

ATTP was established to recognize and promote individuals with these core competencies and to provide approved training for individuals wishing to acquire these skills and become Registered Transfer Professionals (RTTP).

The RTTP program reflects the highest quality expectations defined by the profession and will provide individuals wishing to acquire these skills the opportunity to be recognized as Registered Technology Transfer Professionals.

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European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA) 

The European Industrial Research Management Association is an independent and not-for-profit organisation that deals with the effective global management and organisation of business R&D and innovation within a European perspective involving around 120 major European companies operating in a wide range of sectors since 1966.

With the ultimate goal of making European R&D the Leader in generating solutions to the economical, societal and business sustainability challenges of the future, EIRMA aims to be the preferred network and the preferred place of R&D and Innovation for European open exchange of best practices in research, development and innovation for a sustainable world, across all industrial sectors.

Our vision in R&D Research Management is to transform R&D, operating in Europe for global companies by providing access to best practices. We do so by allowing R&D managers to network; Building initiatives to address cross-industrial big challenges; and Leading R&D solutions for Sustatinability.

  • Transform R&D

Business R&D has a very significant role to play in business’ agenda towards sustainability. EIRMA is at the centre of driving this development and of leading the necessary change.

  • Operating in Europe for Global Companies

EIRMA activities are open to non-European corporations having R&D activities in Europe.

  • Providing Access to Best Practices

EIRMA plays an active role in capturing and spreading best practices of its members by using specific methodologies i.e. knowledge management, benchmarking, etc.

  • Networking of R&D Managers Communities

EIRMA acts as access provider to best practices, efficiently manages communities of hands on experts in selective and high added value R&D matters.

  • Building Initiatives to Address Cross-Industrial Big Challenges

EIRMA favours cross-industrial collaboration by implementing compelling initiatives in close collaboration with some of its major stakeholders.

  • Leading R&D Solutions for Sustainability

By its activities, EIRMA positively influences R&D climate in Europe and contributes to make European R&D and Innovation a major contributor to a more livable, sustainable world and an attractive place for its major stakeholders.

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The Industrial Research Institute

IRI's mission is to enhance the effectiveness of technological innovation by networking the world's best practitioners and thought leaders to seek, share, learn and create.

Equity Statement

Collaboratively creating technological innovation leadership solutions.

IRI strives to deliver outstanding value to members by:

  • Providing insight and actionable learning into R&D’s best practices;
  • Creating networking opportunities with technical leaders; and,
  • Quickly disseminating knowledge in appropriate formats.


The Industrial Research Institute offers memberships to both private sector companies and federally funded laboratories. There are more than 200 companies and labs who are current members. You can learn more about IRI members in this section and find an application for membership.

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Innovation Relay Centre (Cordis)

Mission statement

CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service, is an information space devoted to European research and development (R&D) activities and technology transfer.

The main aims of CORDIS are:

  • to facilitate participation in European research and take-up activities;
  • to improve exploitation of research results with an emphasis on sectors crucial to Europe's competitiveness;
  • to promote the diffusion of knowledge fostering the technology take-up to enterprises and the societal acceptance of new technology.

CORDIS is managed by the CORDIS Unit of the Publications Office.

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International Association on Management of Technology

IAMOT is the only international organization dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art in MOT education and research. As such, the majority of our members are faculty and students of degree granting academic institutions.

IAMOT is a non-governmental, non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 in the State of Florida, USA. Its purpose is to encourage high quality research and education in the field of management of technology (MOT). It accomplishes this purpose through various activities, including sponsoring international conferences; publishing newsletters/periodicals, conference proceedings, a book series and a scholarly archival journal on MOT and Innovation (Technovation). It also supports a number of other internationally recognized journals. IAMOT acts as an information exchange hub on teaching and research issues in MOT. The association has approximately 670 active members from 79 countries. IAMOT is chartered as a non-profit professional association in the USA and is governed through established bylaws. IAMOT membership meets at least once a year during the International Management of Technology conference. IAMOT has a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee, both elected annually.

IAMOT offers its members association with professionals in the MOT field. There is particularly close interaction during the annual and regional conferences. IAMOT offers its members a discounted registration fee for the conference. Members have access to all information posted on our website which contains current information on the field of Management of Technology from all over the world. They also can post announcements related to MOT. Our members receive the IAMOT official Journal “Technovation”. We offer our members discounts for certain professional journals and we offer priority status in receiving reports and publications sponsored by IAMOT. Finally, we offer the benefit of participating in an Association which supports research and application projects, world wide, in cooperation with government or private organizations or in its own initiative, an association which encourages education in the field of Management of Technology, and acts as an information resource center in the field.

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The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)

ISPIM produces scientific and educational material and events to help people understand and share thinking and experiences on how individuals, organizations and society can be better organized to create and distribute new products, services and processes to make the world a better place. 

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LES: Licensing Executives Society

The Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) is an association of comprised of men and women who have an interest in the transfer of technology, or licensing of intellectual property rights - from technical know how and patented inventions to software, copyright and trademarks.  It is strictly non-political and is free to grow by the creation of member societies throughout the world irrespective of politics or the state of technology development. LES International has a constitution and by-laws.

First and foremost, LESI consists of the members of its national and regional Member Societies.  The Member Societies, in turn, are the “shareholders” of LESI.  LESI is governed by a Board of Directors who exercise its executive functions.  The Board of Directors is elected by the International Board of Delegates who are themselves appointed by the Member Societies.  Finally, LESI has various Management Committees as well as Industry, Professional and regional Committees.

LESI objectives

  1. The formal objectives of LES International, which were adopted more than 20 years ago, are as follows: To function as a non-profit professional society encouraging high professional standards among individuals engaged in the transfer and licensing of technology and industrial or intellectual property rights.
  2. To assist its members in improving their skills and techniques in licensing through self education, the conduct of special studies and research, the sponsorship of educational meetings, the publication of statistics, reports, articles and other material, and the exchange of ideas related to domestic and foreign licensing.
  3. To inform the public, international bodies, governmental bodies, and the business community concerning the economic significance of licensing and the high professional standards of those engaged in the licensing profession.
  4. To make available to its members the latest, most accurate, information on licensing

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The Research & Development Society

The Research and Development Society is the leading organisation for the discussion, development and promotion of the management of excellent research and development in all UK-based companies and organisations. It is an independent  membership organisation that has been assisting its members in maintaining their knowledge, skills and contacts in R&D  and innovation since 1962. It is unique in the UK in covering all types of business and industry with an interest  in R&D, enabling common issues and solutions to be discovered, shared and solved. The Society is a membership organisation, a company limited by guarantee, run by its members through  an Executive Committee.

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