
  • Annex 1: 17th Research Framework Programme
  • Annex 2: The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
  • Annex 3: The Structural Funds – Cohesion Policy
  • Annex 4: The common agricultural policy – the EU rural development policy
  • Annex 5: The EU fisheries policy
  • Annex 6: Useful sources for information
  • Annex 7: Scorecard
  • Annex 8: Lifelong learning programme and international cooperation programmes in the field of education
  • Annex 9: LIFE+ in the field of environment
  • Annex 10: Research and innovation funding opportunities in the overseas countries and territories
  • Annex 11: The instrument for pre-accession assistance
  • Annex 12: Neighbourhood and partnership instrument – cross border cooperation


(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)


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