Budget: €32 413 million (2007 - 2013)

Tackling major research themes, together 

Under the Cooperation programme, research support will be provided to international cooperation projects across the European Union and beyond. In 10 thematic areas, corresponding to major fields in science and research, the programme will promote the progress of knowledge and technology. Research will be supported and strengthened to address European social, economic, environmental, public health and industrial challenges, serve the public good and support developing countries.

 Cooperation supports research actions in the following thematic areas: 

(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)

Επιστροφή στη βάση της σελίδας

IDEAS (ΙΔΕΕΣ) - The European Research Council (ERC) 

Budget: €7 510 million (2007 - 2013)

The "Ideas" programme, implemented through the European Research Council (ERC), will boost Europe's competitiveness by helping to attract and retain the most talented scientists, supporting risk-taking and high-impact research, and promoting world-class scientific research in new, fast emerging fields.

What's the benefit for citizens:

Countries with leading-edge research are best positioned to deliver a better quality of life to their citizens, while maintaining their economic position and advancing their global competitiveness.
During FP7 the Ideas programme will fund EU frontier research. The concept behind Ideas is that first-rate researchers are best placed to identify new opportunities and directions at the frontiers of knowledge. These in turn will feed back into society and find their way to the industries and markets, and translate into the broader social innovations of the future.

What's the benefit for researchers:

The ERC will have a unique position as a pan-European funding organisation designed to support the best science and scholarship across all fields of research through open and direct competition. It is expected to reinforce Europe's dynamic character, making it more attractive to leading scientists from both Europe and third countries, as well as for industrial investment. Two types of the ERC grant will be available, both operating on a "bottom-up" basis without predetermined priorities, across all fields of research:

  • The ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants). The objective is to provide support to the independent careers of outstanding researchers. They are either located in or moving to the EU and associated countries, and are at the stage of establishing their first research team or programme, whatever their nationality.
  • The ERC Advanced Investigator Grants (ERC Advanced Grants). The objective is to support excellent frontier research projects by leading established researchers across the EU member states and associated countries, whatever their nationality.

What's the benefit for industry and SMEs:

Projects will be funded on the basis of proposals presented by researchers both from the private and public sectors on subjects of their choice and evaluated on the sole criterion of excellence as judged by peer review.
Frontier research is a key driver of wealth and social progress because it offers new opportunities for scientific and technological advancement, and is instrumental in producing new knowledge leading to future applications and markets.

(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)

Επιστροφή στη βάση της σελίδας

PEOPLE (ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ): Training and career development of researchers

Budget €4 750 million (2007 - 2013)

We need highly trained and qualified researchers in order to improve the well-being of our citizens and increase economic growth.

What's the benefit for citizens:

In order to compete globally we need more people to follow a career in research and to then provide them with the foundations for an open labour market. Therefore, Europe must be transformed into an attractive continent that supports innovation, knowledge creation and encourages researchers to stay.
During FP7 a series of EU research funded actions will support the on-going training, research and mobility of highly qualified scientists within Europe and the rest of the world. By meeting the above objectives, we will encourage the proliferation of centres of excellence in the EU and their contribution in new areas of research and technology.

What's the benefit for researchers:

Building on the successful experience of the Marie Curie actions, the People programme will improve the human potential in European research and development by covering all stages of a researcher's professional life from initial training to lifelong learning and career development.

The following types of actions are planned during FP7:

  • Initial training of researchers will be offered through the Marie Curie Networks which will improve their research skills and help them join established research teams. In parallel, complementary training will enhance their career prospects in both public and private sectors.
  • Lifelong training and career development through individual fellowships and co-financing programmes at international, national and regional level. These offer experienced researchers the opportunity to acquire new skills, enhance their mobility and re-integrate them into research.
  • An international dimension to be addressed through international outgoing and incoming fellowships aiming to increase research talent outside Europe and fostering mutually beneficial research collaboration with researchers from outside Europe. The activity will also include measures to counterbalance "brain drain" and create networks of European researchers working abroad.
  • Specific actions will be implemented to support the creation of a genuine European labour market for researchers, such as the removing of obstacles to mobility and enhancing their career perspectives. Public institutions will be offered incentives to promote the mobility, quality and profile of their researchers, as well as awards in order to improve the public awareness of Marie Curie actions and their objectives.

What's the benefit for industry and SMEs:

The participation of industry and SMEs is foreseen through all Marie Curie actions. Industry involvement will be strongly supported through actions directed at the initial training of researchers. In parallel another action will aim to build long term cooperation between academia, industry and SMEs. The objective is to stimulate mobility between sectors and increase knowledge sharing through joint research partnerships. The recruitment of experienced researchers to the partnership will be reinforced by staff secondments between sectors, and through the organisation of events.

Marie Curie Actions - Research Fellowship Programme

Marie Curie Fellowships are European research grants available to researchers regardless of their nationality and field of research. In addition to generous fellowships, researchers have the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers. In this website you will learn more about those grants that promote excellence and innovation in Europe.

(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)

Επιστροφή στη βάση της σελίδας


Budget: €4 097 million (2007 - 2013) 

Top facilities for top scientists 

The Capacities programme aims to optimise the use and development of research infrastructures, while enhancing the innovative capacities of SMEs to benefit from research. The programme is designed to support regional research-driven clusters and at the same time unlock the research potential in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions. Support is to be provided for horizontal actions and measures underlining international cooperation. Finally, European society and science should be brought closer under the initiatives of the Capacities programme. 

Capacities will operate in seven broad areas: 

(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)

Επιστροφή στη βάση της σελίδας


Budget: €2 751 million (2007 - 2011)

The framework programme for nuclear research and training activities will comprise Community research, technological development, international cooperation, dissemination of technical information and exploitation activities as well as training.
Two specific programmes are planned:

Fusion energy research with the objective of developing the technology for a safe, sustainable, environmentally responsible and economically viable energy source. Activities will include the realisation of ITER (as an international research infrastructure), research & development of the ITER operation, the technology activities in preparation of DEMO, preparation of an international Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF).
Research and development activities for a longer term are also planned, as well as human resources, education and training initiatives.

Nuclear fission and radiation protection

with the objective of enhancing in particular the safety performance, resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness of nuclear fission and other uses of radiation in industry and medicine. Activities will include:

  • Management of radioactive waste
  • Reactor systems
  • Radiation protection
  • Infrastructures
  • Human resources, mobility and training

The second programme will cover the Activities of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the field of nuclear energy, including:

  • Nuclear Waste Management and Environmental Impact
  • Nuclear Safety

Budget (for the period 2007-2011)

  • Nuclear Security
  • Fusion energy research* €1947 m
  • Nuclear Fission and radiation protection €287 m
  • Nuclear Activities of the Joint Research Centre €517 m

*Within the amount foreseen for fusion energy research, at least €900 million will be reserved for activities other than the construction of the fusion energy source ITER.

(πηγή: Εuropean Commission)

Επιστροφή στη βάση της σελίδας


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