Υποτροφία για διδακτορικό στον τομέα « business economics in agriculture »

Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning (NILF) er eit forskingsinstitutt knytt til Landbruks- og matdepartementet og med fri og uavhengig stilling i alle faglege spørsmål. NILF er organisert som eit forvaltningsorgan med særskilde fullmakter og har ca. 75 tilsette fordelt mellom Oslo (hovudkontor), Bergen, Trondheim og Bodø. Instituttets viktigaste arbeidsområde er forsking, utgreiing, statistikk og dokumentasjon av økonomiske og politiske forhold i knytt til landbruks- og matvaresektoren.

Interested in productivity and efficiency measurements and changes in agriculture?

PhD scholarship in business economics in agriculture

A three years full time PhD scholarship is available at NILF. The scholarship is part of the project “Agronomy for increased food production in Norway. Challenges and solutions” which is a cooperation between the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NILF and other national and international institutions. The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway.

It is a precondition that the appointed person will be enrolled in a PhD program in economics at a University or University college. The topic of the thesis will be concentrated on productivity and efficiency measurements and changes in agriculture. We are looking for a person that 

  •     Have a MSc degree in economics, business economics, agricultural economics, or similar;

  •     Are interested in micro economic theory, production economics, and econometric analysis;

  •     Have good knowledge related to production economics in agriculture and to the structure and framework conditions of agriculture;

  •     Are fluent in English and preferably also in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language;

  •     Are good at team work and oral and written communication.

The position is attached to the Research department at NILF. The department has at the moment 30 employees of which three are enrolled in a PhD program. The workplace will be in Oslo.

Salary: Code 1017 in the State salary scale (minimum NOK 421,000 per year). Membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. The membership fee is 2% of the salary.

The list of applicants is publicly available, and applicants who do not want to have their names on the public list have to give specific reasons for this.

Women and persons with minority background are encouraged to apply. NILF is an IA (integrated workplace) institution, and the working conditions will be adapted to physically disabled persons.

Please submit the application by using the link below ("Send søknad"). CV, certificate or transcripts of grades and references can be attached.

Fylke: Oslo
Jobbtype: Engasjement
Heltid/Deltid: Heltid
Arbeidstid: Dag
Søknadsfrist: 31.12.2013
Tiltredelse: As soon as possible
Arbeidssted: Oslo
Hjemmeside: http://www.nilf.no
Kontaktpersoner: Gudbrand Lien
mob: +47 92488335

Sjur Spildo Prestegard
tlf: 22367268



Please state in the application that you applied via Universitypositions.eu

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