Υποτροφία για διδακτορικό στη Γλωσσολογία στο Centre for General Linguistics (Γερμανία)

Germany:PhD Scholarship in Linguistics

The Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, Germany, offers a funded position for a PhD candidate who wishes to obtain the degree of Dr. phil. (philosophiae) (Salary Scale TVL-E13/2) to be filled at earliest practicable date for a period of three years.

The Centre seeks a candidate who will complete a Ph.D. thesis within these three years in one of the areas specified below.

(1) The project will be concerned with the interplay between breathing and discourse structure as being modelled in semantic theories of discourse. Certain aspects of speech respiration could also be considered under the perspective of their communicative functions.

(2) Prosodic realization of indirect speech: reports of speech allow different syntactic realizations and different forms of semantic shifts. The project experimentally investigates prosodic and intonational correlates of these.

(3) Root phenomena in embedded clauses and/or parenthesis: this project investigates and compares the syntax and pragmatics of root phenomena in dependent structures in languages in the expertise of the candidate.

The candidate will work closely with members of at least two different program areas at ZAS. The supervisor of the Ph.D. thesis can be either a ZAS staff member who is a Professor or Privatdozent or an external Professor.

Applicants are expected to have a very good knowledge of the relevant fields of linguistic theory and a strong interest in empirical work.

Applications must be submitted via electronic mail and include the following items:

1) a letter of interest;

2) a CV;

3) a research proposal of three pages;

4) the master's thesis or equivalent, other writing samples;

5) certificates.

Applications Deadline: 5-Jan-2014

Application Email: application@ zas.gwz-berlin. de


Further information:

project (1): Dr. Susanne Fuchs, fuchs@zas.gwz- berlin.de

project (2): Prof. Dr. Truckenbrodt, hubert.truckenbrodt @googlemail. com

project (3): Dr. Kerstin Schwabe, schwabe@zas. gwz-berlin. de

Application Deadline: 05-Jan-2014


Mailing Address for Applications:

Attn: Dr. Werner Frey

Schuetzenstr. 18

Berlin 10117


Tentative Submission Deadline: 5 January 2014

πηγή: Scholarships-Links.com


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