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Oι 7 δεξιότητες που αξιολογεί θετικά η UBS του Λονδίνου στην πρόσληψη υποψηφίων

A company’s culture, through its human resources, its orientation and values emits a particular image and has a specific identity. 

Which personal and professional elements do you consider positive in a candidate and you think they reflect your organisation culture? What are the skills that you consider positive in a candidate? 

We have 7 competencies that candidates are assessed against; Problem Analysis; Teamwork & Collaboration; Judge-ment & Decision Making; Drive & Commitment; Planning & Organisation; Innovation; Communication & Impact. If candidates are able to show evidence of these it is considered positive.

What are the evaluation methods that you use in the selection process for executives and promotions?
What is the career plan that you follow for your executives? (promotions, internal transfers etc.)

In keeping with our efforts to build a culture that values and promotes employee development at all levels of our organization, we continue to focus on giving employees access to opportunities and resources to enhance their skills. At UBS, employees take the lead in the process of considering their individual career interests and development goals. Line managers play a critical role in supporting and encouraging employees’ development plan and activities.

Nowadays, given the economical situation of the country, more and more people change their professional direction, sector or speciality in order to increase their chances of professional rehabilitation.  

How do you evaluate the people that apply for a position in your company with a different professional career but with competencies and skills relative to that position?

All candidates are assessed against 7 key competencies; Problem Analysis; Teamwork & Collaboration; Judgement & Decision Making; Drive & Commitment; Planning & Organisation; Innovation; Communication & Impact. Applicants are not expected to have relevant experience, but graduates who have done a summer internship within financial services are preferred.

Which elements and characteristics of those who change professional careers do you believe count negatively?

As previously stated we consider applicants from all professions.

What advice can you give for a successful change in professional direction?

Thoroughly research the industry you are considering going into so you can fully justify the move. Find a way to prove your commitment to the industry you are moving in to. 

Young people without professional experience find it more difficult nowadays to find a job even though they have the necessary education.  

Which elements would convince you to hire a new graduate without professional experience?

If a candidate met out competencies to a very high level, they would be considered.

Which skills/characteristics can be considered positive along with academic diplomas?

Our graduate hires need to demonstrate our 7 graduate competencies mentioned above. In addition, involvement in extra-curricular activitites and positions of responsibility in clubs/societies will demonstrate the leadership and teamwork skills that are critically important.


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